Carpet Cleaning Restoration Guide to Makeover Your Worn and Stained Floors

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If you have old carpet flooring that is starting to look aged, it is time to have it cleaned. When cleaning your carpet, some things can be done to restore your floors. You may want to revive areas that have been trampled by foot traffic, remove stains, and patch pieces if there is severe damage. The following guide will get you started restoring your floors:

Patching Damaged Areas

There may be damaged areas of carpet that are too bad to be cleaned and restored. These areas are going to need to be patched before completing the cleaning and restorations of your floors. Carefully cut the damaged area of the carpet into a perfect square. Cut a new piece of flooring the same size and place it in the void where you removed the square. You can use a carpet tool to push the patch into place and hide the seams of the repair.

Reviving Trampled Carpet

The trampled carpet is also going to need to be revived before you can complete your project. These are often areas where high amounts of foot traffic for heavy objects have caused the carpet to lay flat. Some tricks can be used to restore the trampled fibers of your carpet. You can get an old tool and soak it in hot water. Place the towel over the worn area and pass a hot iron over the towel. Now, remove the towel and use a stiff brush to pull the fibers of the carpet back.

Removing Deep Embedded Stains 

Sometimes, the stains in the carpet are embedded deep in the fibers. The process of removing the stains may require some extra work and chemicals. You can apply an industrial carpet stain remover first to try to remove the stain before cleaning. This will at least help loosen any particles and make it easier to remove the stain when cleaning.

Cleaning and Blending Materials Together

When cleaning the carpet, you want to make sure the repairs blend together. Brush the area where there are loose threads to remove them. When the carpet is being cleaned, the cleaner must be passed over the carpet in the same direction as mowing a lawn. Be careful cleaning in areas where you have patched carpet so that you don't move the patch.

The carpet flooring in your home can be restored with the right cleaning and repairs. Contact a carpet cleaning service if you need help restoring the floors in your home.

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Bring Back the Former Glory If you look at your home and think "I wish I could see it in its former glory," then you are in need of restoration services! That's right — there are professionals out there who can bring you home back to its former glory. Of course, they can also give it a new look if that's what you're after. They are, after all, talented repair and restoration professionals who are used to doing customized work for their clients. We have hired pros to restore our homes to their former glory, and it was such a rewarding experience that we decided to share more about this topic here on our blog.
